Teaching basic homemaking skills to boys? Yes!
For those in more traditional spaces you may wonder this. “This is women’s work.”

Basics of knowing how to cook, do your own laundry, pick up after yourself and keeping track of you money are things all kids should know before graduating high school. 

If I’m being honest, I used to do a better job about this. When my boys were 10 and under, even 15 and under, they had designated jobs around the house. I even had a dinner helper a few days a week where I would teach them how to make a salad until they could do it on their own. Form burgers, marinate and grill chicken. And minimal complaints!

Between devices and teenagers with jobs, I am finding more and more difficult to get them to even come to dinner when called. “Well normally it’s still another 5 min”…like it would kill them to sit and wait an empty table for 3-7 min before everything was ready! 😆

I do have some pretty good laundry helpers. I can ask them to go switch or even start sometimes (if no spot treatment is needed). 

Summer is close, school is almost finished (finished for my college sons), might be time to put together a new “chore chart” where I get dinner helpers or even complete meals! 

For those with older kiddos, do you still do chore charts? Even if it’s unwritten and everyone just knows their “job”. Looking forward to a summer where we can all do more around the house so we can all enjoy the summer months more!

My boys’ future wives will be thankful they can do the basics. 🥰

Now to only figure out who will actually be here for meals and 2 cars for 4 drivers. 😬


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