Spring Break!

Spring Break!
We never have taken an official "Spring Break" because I have felt as homeschoolers we take breaks when we need them.  We would take a long weekend for Easter and all over the place.  For the first time ever, we are going on a family vacation for Spring Break! It's actually more complicated now since we have one in college, one in private school and 2 homeschooling that each have online classes.  No one's break lines up this year!  But they all have online classes. So we are going to just make do. I've talked to all the homeschool online teachers and worked things out.  I want to be able to have my homeschool boys to be able to take a full break and not have homework or classes during AND I don't want them to have double the school work when they get back.  I want them to rest and enjoy out time away.  Unfortunately I don't have control over the older 2's schoolwork.  But since they are mostly online, we can work it out.  

When I asked the question in the Facebook group for some of the online classes about working around a vacation, this was one of the responses I got.  

I love this! Yes, the beauty of homeschooling is we can set the schedule and I think a break should be just that...a break. A reset and refresh time. If adults need vacation from work why would we think kids are any different? We took Spring Break last week, but my son did not do his Spanish, Biology, etc. I will not have him make it up. He spent the week resting, spending time with family, etc. It's so important. Enjoy your break this week. Blessings to you and your family!
Actually, we are taking off more than just a week as Brady is off go karting with church friends and Keegan is off spending the night with a cousin and grandparents. I'm working on my garden and catching up on my blog ;)  In a few days we head to Lake Lure, NC for a fun week away!  Here's to family time away and making memories!