Day in the homeschool life of a 6th Grader

Day in the homeschool life of a 6th Grader
Do you ever let your kiddos choose the order of their school day?

I find that sometimes still is the best way to keep arguments at bay. I lay everything across the coffee table and he ordered them. 


Friday musing

Friday musing
Some days do go smoother than others and I’m so thankful for those! 

Notice I didn’t say perfect


Meal Planning in the Crowe Household

Meal Planning in the Crowe Household
I love meal planning  and I know I make it hard on myself. What don’t I just choose 3 beef, 2-3 chicken, a fish/shrimp and have homemade bbq chicken pizza for dinners? And alternate eggs, waffles/pancakes, oatmeal and bagels for breakfast and left overs or salad/soup/sandwiches for lunches? And be done with it. 


How Do you Homeschool on Little or No Sleep?

How Do you Homeschool on Little or No Sleep?
How do you homeschool on little or no sleep?
I was up until past 1am last night prepping for a vendor event at our co op today. Printer issues. Ugh.
Thankfully I had prepped well on Sunday. But other things that helped:
✅no math lesson needed to be taught, just corrections from the review and he need to take a test
✅we completed the Key Word Outlines for his paper due Friday. So all he needs to do write his rough draft over the next couple days
✅Fix It Grammar is always on the short side
✅history read aloud is the most “teacher led” work I needed to do today
Now to muster the energy for our homeschool hike!

Bean Bags on the Sofa

Bean Bags on the Sofa
Keegan on bean bags on the sofa

I’m not sure why but he threw them in there and then proceeded to jump on them. 🤷‍♀️ This is why our sofas don’t last!

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