Overwhelmed with Homeschooling?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed or “behind” with homeschooling? Let me know in the comments. 

Some of us wear busyness as a badge. I know I have. 

What if you took a look at your days and decided to simplify?

Are you in multiple co ops and a couple of sports per kiddo? Are you working on checking off each curriculum assignment? Teaching every single subject every day?

From my experience that’s just a recipe for burnout. Take a look at everything you do in a day. Is all of that really necessary? What can you cut out? What can you say no to? Maybe there is something you both dread but it has to be done. Really? If that’s truly the case, then maybe it doesn’t need to be done every day. 

You’ve got this. Please don't feel like you need a long 'to do' list to make homeschooling a success. Conversations, cooking, playing games, and time in nature go a long way. 💜

Have you ever felt overwhelmed & overbooked in your homeschooling journey? Let me know in the comments below. 

You're in good company. 😊


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