Spring Break? Actually just a few days off
We didn't go away this year but we took some time off and we really only had one full day of school last week. All unplanned and I'm getting better with that! We took friends to go ice skating, even though it was a beautiful 70º out! Rock climbing was on the docket for my high schoolers and Friday we took the day away at Hawk Mountain. The views were amazing and we got a good leg workout in on our over 3 mi hike climbing boulders and walking through brush on a "short cut".  We were rewarded with amazing views at the end.  I think we all really needed the break and time away.

Resurrection Day was spent at church in the morning and then it was off to my mom and stepdad's for an early dinner and egg hunt.  Our time ended with Jackson and Callie on the piano leading some worship music.  At home we watched a bunch of The Chosen episodes. What a great weekend!  He is Risen!

It was difficult to get back in the groove this morning with a late start and this week is filled with appointments - Brady is getting his braces off! Awana and baseball games.  And I guess we'll get some school in there too. :)


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