Summer fun but also School year planning
This summer has been cruising on by.  Like every summer, I have great intensions to make sure my kids don't "forget" anything over the summer so we read and do math and do projects and limit screens.  Yeah right.  LOL. This summer I've only just begun to get Keegan reading and math, well, I guess I'll start him on watching Mathtacular (from Sunlight) and doing Flashmaster after camp next week.

But I'm very excited to be starting Classical Conversations, CC for short, this upcoming year!  Brady will be in Challenge I and Keegan will be in Foundation and Essentials, which I will be teaching.  While I always say I'm a math person, I've been teaching IEW for 10 years now and really love this program.  We did CC 10 years ago and I did like it but I was in the process of having Keegan.  So it was too much with 4 kids 10 and under and we also were doing SALT another co op that had art, music and gym.  This time I'm only homeschooling 2 kids and we will not be doing SALT again.  I'm trying to keep things more simple this year with 1 all day co op and some other fun things.

So how am I prepping over this summer? About the middle of July is when I start thinking about about getting ready.  July I clean out my school room thoroughly and register for any co ops.  That is completed.  Next on my list is training to teach Essentials and gathering materials.  Thankfully I've done this a lot and I know exactly what I need and the cheapest place to get them: Rainbow Resource is my go to for all things homeschooling materials and curriculum.  But I do buy IEW right from them (same price all around) and Apologia science.  That is likely what I will try to get completed this week while Keegan is in camp.

Math - Singapore 5A&B workbooks, possibly Miquon
Science - Apologia Zoology 3 Land Animals (I have the text, I might need the kit)
Language Arts - Essentials (which I'll be teaching at CC), Sonlight readers
Social Studies - Tapestry of Grace Year 1 Ancients
Bible - Tapestry of Grace Year 1

CC Foundations will have all the above plus music and art.  We will likely continue piano with Keegan, still up in the air with music lessons for Brady.  I want him to have some time to pursue something he enjoys.

I'm really looking forward to this new year with Classical Conversations. I really love their mission to "know God and make him known."

What co ops are you doing this year?  If you would like to hear more about Classical Conversations, shoot me a message!


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