Setting up the School Room

Setting up the School Room
It has a long way to go, but organizing my school room is one of my favorite summer activities!

Four oils to bring to a PHILLIES game

Four oils to bring to a PHILLIES game
I’m at a PHILLIES game this afternoon and only brought in 4 oils:

Trying a new protein powder!

Trying a new protein powder!
Ok so I just finished my workout, well, after my workout I had to open my YL boxes and smell the new oils! Creamsicle for the win!! All three are really good. And as for one purpose, roots and wings: one purpose is my favorite!

But what I’m really impressed about is how good the protein tastes!!! And normally use:
Chocolate protein powder
Or plain and add a scoop of cocoa powder
Greens powder or frozen açaí greens
Collagen (2 scoops for 22 g protein)
2 scoops cocoa powder
Frozen strawberries 
Sometimes a banana 
Unsweetened vanilla or plain almond milk

I decided to only use the almond milk, strawberries and banana with YL’s new collagen, power meal and greens….and no cocoa and it is so good!! I wasn’t expecting it to taste good without sweetener or cocoa powder!  Tomorrow I’ll try with cocoa powder bc I love chocolate but wow! I’ve tried a lot of protein powders for flavor, price and quality. 

I do see ”natural flavors” in there so I’m wondering what that’s about but the other protein that I was using also had that. The only thing is the price factor. I haven’t compared but I don’t think I really can as my other protein didn’t have any vitamins like this one has. 

Being honest…this gives me 29 g of protein (20 power meal, 5 collagen and 4 from the fruit and almond milk) I like to get 50g in at each breakfast, lunch and dinner. That way I got that before was adding more collagen. I could do that but the container only has 25 servings. I’d go thru it pretty quickly if I have 4 scoops a day. We’ll see. This is my main breakfast every morning post workout. I workout 7 days a week 4 days weights, 2 days HiiT/step/metabolic and a yoga/stretch/mobility day. 

So this totally passes the taste test! I’ll have to wait and see what my stomach says. 

End of the School Year Shananigans

End of the School Year Shananigans
Last weekend we spent celebrating Connor in graduation high school! He is looking forward to heading down to Liberty in August.  It was so good to see all those who have loved and prayed for Connor over the years. We ended the evening with a group prayer with many laying hands on Connor.  It was very moving. I'm getting choked up just writing about it!

Spring Break? Actually just a few days off

Spring Break? Actually just a few days off
We didn't go away this year but we took some time off and we really only had one full day of school last week.  All unplanned and I'm getting better with that!
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