What Do Our Days Look Like?
It's important to plan.  I may not always follow my plan, but I need to have one.  If I don't plan out my week on Friday afternoon after we've finished up for the week (and sometimes I'm too pooped to do so!), then I must plan Sunday afternoon or evening.  

Thankfully, I have a good system down this year so it doesn't take me that long anymore.  Here is what our day looks like on paper:

8:00 am Wake Keegan if he isn't already up (he normally is)
- shower
- breakfast

9:00 am Wake Brady (this often is an ongoing affair)
- During this hour Brady is "supposed" to get up, make sure his room is picked up, shade up, bed made and he's dressed, have a quiet time and eat breakfast.  Then he can get on his computer or phone to chat or whatever. Still working on this!
- I start with Keegan.  We do something for Bible, right now we are reading Nate Saint. Then we move on to history.  We are on Unit 3 of Year 4 of Tapestry of Grace. We read, he works on a lap book and we sometimes have geography work.

10:00 am Keegan is supposed to work "on his own" for an hour.  We are still working on this! - He can practice piano, do copy work, do his assigned reading, writing, or finish up any history needed. 
- Brady and I work on grammar and Geometry.

11:00 am Now Brady is finished with me for the day and he works on his homework I give him and the homework for his other classes.
- I teach math and science or spelling to Keegan.

12:00 pm Lunch, but often we will be still working on other schoolwork

After Lunch: Read Aloud for Keegan.  This is my favorite part of the day! Currently we are reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians Sea of Monsters. We read all the Narnia books, which I haven't read before, only a few.  But Percy is one of my all-time favorite book series so I'm thrilled to be reading it again. We also work on his IEW paper for the week on Mondays.

So that is what our days look like, like I said: on paper.  I'd love to tell you that we are finished our school days by 2:00 pm every day but that's just not reality.  Many days I don't get up on time to do what I like to do before they wake up and that pushes back our start time.  Other days it takes me forever to wake up Brady.  Of course there are days where Keegan doesn't want to cooperate and we are still working at 4pm.  Those are my least favorite days.  Some days everything is going smoothly but we have a project we're working on so things got delayed or we just skipped for the day.  And that's ok!

If I have a plan, things happen.  Not always perfectly according to plan but this gives me a guide.  It is not my master.  Be encouraged! Give yourself grace when things don't go as planned.  Your kids will survive, even if you take a whole week of because sometimes everyone needs a break!  Get my free assignment sheet!


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