Changing Things Up
A blog. I had a blog for several years in the late 90s/early 00s.  It was a great outlet before Social Media, but after my 2nd son turned 2, I just couldn't keep up with it anymore. Fast forward to now, 2 more sons later!  I figured I'd share what I've learned (and learning) on this motherhood, mom of boys, homeschooling journey.

Last week was not one of the better weeks of homeschooling for this crew. Keegan was not interested in doing any of his work, taking away screen time didn't really help.  He wasn't cooperating at all. So after talking to other homeschool moms of boys on my weekly Tuesday hike, I decided we needed to change things up. I needed to change things up. We are in a bit of a rut halfway through the school year. This week we are taking out a bunch of the reading, swapping it for hands on activities and some videos.  

Here's how I typically plan our week:
I get out my assignment sheets for the boys and fill in what needs to be done using the Tapestry of Grace (TOG) reading list for the week, schedule in the front of the Flying Creatures notebook. Along with looking at our other books, math, etc and added them to the assignment sheet.

While I still did that for this week, we are not doing any of those readings this week. We have finished up WWII and starting this week learning about India. So for history and geography, we will create a salt map of India, cook things that look yummy from the cooking around the world book, watch The Hiding Place (since we just finished reading Coorie Ten Boom) and looking at supporting links for Unit 3 of TOG.  We won't be doing any book work for math this week. I have a great DVD series made by Sonlight called Mathtacular that we will watch. And I figure now is as good as time as any to watch Schoolhouse Rock. We may browse Netflix and YouTube for other kid friendly videos about India too.

Here's to a new week, that will hopefully bring a smile to Keegan's face as we change up our learning this week!  I'd love to hear how you change things up when you get in a rut!


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